Chasing Bedlam March 13, 2017NathanCovers7 Comments Chasing Bedlam Caught it. bringing sexy back cut and paste layers upon layers pixelation Previous postThe Lost Cities of Elvenshore Next postDust of Kansas (Calm Act Genesis Book 2)
…what’s with the random creepy hand?
I think that’s her own hand. Hands on her hips?
THAT’s what you see? The creepy hand? Not the idiotically dreadful faux-too? (fake tattoo).
…or the clichĂ©d fiery background that’s hardly worth bothering with since it has so little space?
Flat 2D tats on curved 3D body parts?
Oughta have their own LBC tag.
It looks like an undersized pudgy male hand to me, and we all know who that means. In which case his “grabbing” has slightly missed the target.
TSA inspector at work.