Revenge of the thin-skinned, again.

It seems that we’ve yet again upset the sensibilities of some delicate little snowflakes with this post. According to the influx of commenters who totally have no connection to the author whose cover is criticized, participants on this site “sit at your parents [sic] house all day while playing video games and making fun of people for going after their dreams” and “sit on their asses all day.”  We are “childish” and certainly prone to censorship, and yet somehow we’re the ones accused of “defamation of character.”

Are you as ashamed as you should be?

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10 years ago

I think you need a new tag — BBC (Butthurt Babies Club) — that you can add when the fanclubs turn out so that we can all be properly chastised for having opinions.

Also, my parents will be quite surprised to learn that I sit on my ass at their house all day playing video games. They believe I moved out 20+ years ago, got married and live with my husband and kids two states away.

10 years ago

I’m ashamed. so, so ashamed. I weep tears of shame into my diet Pepsi. I will braid my shame into the thickest of ropes and hang myself with my shame rope. And my mother will say: Oh God! she’s finally out of my basement!

Michael Waller
Michael Waller
10 years ago

I am inclined to agree with Tia about the tag, but that just might set them off more. Funny how they can practice all the free speech they want, but you can’t.

I for one moved out of my mother’s house decades ago, do not own a gaming system (though my kids have systems). Yes, I do sit on my ass most of the day, but then I work at a desk job as well, trying to keep the computer systems running that support everyone’s right to speech.

10 years ago

First of all, I’d never live in my parents’ basement–125+-year-old house with genuinely creepy cellar that, since both my parents are deceased, is now owned by someone else. I’m sure he’s a nice man (my brother knows him and says so) but I don’t think he’d take to me moving into his basement.

Second, if sad sacks like these folk don’t want their art (or another’s art) criticized than they best keep said art under their mattresses or in a dusty drawer–or skid-marked drawers–where the light of day does not shine. To create and expose said “art” to the masses is to INVITE criticism, good or bad. Lap it up. No such thing as bad publicity. On the other hand, spaghetti spines appear to be in vogue in some corners of the multiverse.

Third, the only whining allowed around here is spelled WINING and we prefer red.

Fourth, my days of changing soiled diapers are over so I refuse to tolerate sloppy butt-do from babes-in-the-‘hood.

Fifth, sure I sit on my butt for significant portions of the day–editing, writing, designing book covers, mentoring writers, and all sorts of related professional-like stuff. By virtue of my background, experience, training, and (incredibly) free will I claim the right to call crap crap when it appears in front of me.

Sixth, I’m really a very nice person. My family loves me. I have MANY friends. And I am beloved by dogs and an entire clowder of cats. George Bailey should be so f*ing lucky.

Seventh, sadly, I haven’t been childish for many a decade, but that’s what happens when you live well past your terrific twenties. I am, however, open to time travel and youth-potion options to return me to relive said days of youngness, vigor, and general goofing off when possible.

Eighth, of course, Nathan rocks and so I say 😛 (wait, is that too childish?).

10 years ago

I pay the full rent, all the utilities, and all the food. But yes, I live with my mom. Jeez, I’m such a waste of life.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Oh, yeah, they forgot to mention the part where I’m living in the peep’s basemant with a microwave, a fridge stocked with Jolt Cola, and staring all day, vacant-eyed, through my scratched, grimy, duct-taped glasses.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

…at my 8086 computer…

10 years ago

I have my own house, and they did get the part about the games right. Though I don’t make fun of people, I make fun of stupid art, and such things. I wonder how these precious snowflakes would react to the CF4L people.

10 years ago

Well, I do sit on my ass for most of the day, but I sit at a computer doing stuff and don’t have one of those standing desk thingies.

I don’t have a gaming system, haven’t had one for something like 30 years. (I do d/l games at a game site once in a while, but I play those after I get home from the day job.)

As for going for dreams…who is stopping them? They’ve uploaded their stuff, right? That their covers are bizarre/weird/funky should be laid at their feet, not ours. Did my first try at a cover suck? Royally. I’ve deleted that sucker but it unfortunately is still imprinted on my brain, lol! Which is why I started getting pre-made covers – all are well under $100.

We’ve given them some reasons/opinions why their books aren’t selling – with plenty of snark. Now it’s up to them to decide whether or not to do something with their covers.

10 years ago

It’s the fault of my pathetic sophomoric sense of humor.

Or, no, I’ve been through enough critiques of my own work (without taking it personally), that I feel entitled to call others out on bad art. Artists that get most upset when no one likes their stuff are the ones with no confidence in their own opinion of it. So they’re mad because they know we’re right.

10 years ago

I’m an editor, of course I sit on my arse all day.

My parents are dead, and when they were alive they didn’t have a basement. I have my very own mortgage, and manage to support myself and a disabled husband.

But hey, I LOVE me some video games! I play when I can, which isn’t nearly enough as far as I’m concerned.

And I’m proud to be childish. My plans for the rest of the night include some quality time with a colouring book. (See the website )