This looks like some kind of self-help manual or advice book (I’m going solely by the subtitle because I simply don’t understand what’s going on with the cover image). However, it’s apparently a children’s story, judging by the Amazon description.
Now please excuse me while I go clear my Amazon browsing history.
10 years ago
Even for a kid’s book, this is an insult to readers.
Needs more swastikas.
Or for you, Sirona:
Needs more swastika’s.
Yes, yes, more swastikas in all colors and sizes. Bring ’em on. This cover’s got nothing to lose.
Now, is that a fancy (and stylish for summer) UFO in the sky or a flowered hat?
It appears Lucinda’s entire basket of common sense must have gone inside the book and there was none left for the cover.
This looks like some kind of self-help manual or advice book (I’m going solely by the subtitle because I simply don’t understand what’s going on with the cover image). However, it’s apparently a children’s story, judging by the Amazon description.
Now please excuse me while I go clear my Amazon browsing history.
Even for a kid’s book, this is an insult to readers.
I think she meant “Oblivious.”
The stop sign on the cover tells me to go no further into this wreck. Thank you for the warning.