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A Boone
A Boone
10 years ago

To Blandly go where no man…

Lucie Le Blanc
Lucie Le Blanc
10 years ago

You can’t judge art, man. Because art is art and art is personal and art comes from the heart. Boohoohoo you’re such a bully!

(Just so, you know, you can practice your answer for when the “you are all bullies” email comes in. Don’t thank me.;))

10 years ago

Bwahahaha! Dude, how you gonna sell a book about art when your cover looks like the doodles you make trying to find out which markers aren’t dried out? Clearly, the $ and the stars make all the difference. And the smiley faces…

10 years ago

Dried out markers!!! YESSSS! *virtual high five*