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10 years ago

The girl appears to be a cyclops with straw for hair. So, why are they boiling a three-headed dragon/snake in a cauldron on a little brick thing that looks like a stage set in some sort of experimental theater production? Second thought, don’t answer that.

I lerve how the title font’s top matches exactly the top of the bricks. Very, umm, precise.

Can’t decide who should be more embarrassed. Rebecca for the art or David for putting it on this cover AND shouting that his relative did it. Hmm, I think David wins!

10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

David clearly has never seen a book, or he would know that splashing the illustrator’s names across the cover is NOT done by actual professionals.

But then, actual professionals don’t generally have covers as bad as this.


Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

Rebecca is his wife. These are two adults who both looked at this and found it acceptable.


10 years ago
Reply to  Sneaky Burrito

“These are two adults who both looked at this and found it acceptable”

Here’s how this happens:

Husband: I just finished my book.
Wife: Great, since I am an excellent artist, I will do the cover.
Husband: … Yeah … Okay. I guess that sounds like a thing we could do.
Wife: I’m all done, what do you think? [shows husband terrible cover design]
Husband (internal monologue): If I tell her how awful it is she’ll be devastated–also, I’ll be sleeping on the sofa.
Husband: It looks great honey, just great. Really.

10 years ago

That is a hydra, a very poorly drawn one at that. I can see the head on the right is partially missing, while the head on the left is supposed to be coiled around the middle one but appears to be piercing right through it’s neck instead!

10 years ago
Reply to  Invader
10 years ago
Reply to  Invader

It took a lot of my Scooby Dooesk detective skills but if you follow the necks very closely they do work. However the left head would have broken its neck getting into that pose.

10 years ago

Why doesn’t he just turn the monster thing into a dachsund?