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10 years ago

Um… Is that supposed to be a painting they are giggling over? Or is that where they are?

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

Heck, I like this one. And there’s nothing wrong with it as far as I can see: it’s not bad, it’s just European.

What’s more, the cold, Euro feel of the cover is a good match to the absurdist, almost Gogolian, new-lit novel on the theme of alienation. Conversely, trying to ‘fix’ things by eg jazzing up the font, turning the couple around to face the camera, even making the image less instamatic and more arty/filmic, would only dispel the cover’s — presumably intentional and certainly somewhat pretentious — po-faced gravitas and shift it away from the book’s actual genre.

I like the title too. (If this were an American novel, it would probably be called ‘HoverGrrl’ and have artwork to match.)


Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

Two things I don’t care for or think are odd:

(1) Black areas at the top and bottom. I think, if the people are in front of a huge painting or photograph in a gallery (just guessing), I’d like to see the rest of the room. Should be able to make it pretty plain (just floor and ceiling) and not interfere with the text.

(2) The woman is really far away from the man on the bench — with her purse in between, even! — and yet she is leaning in close to look at something with him. It appears to be an unnatural and uncomfortable pose.

10 years ago

A tasteful, literary title, which, unlike the cavernous photo, has no deeper Freudulent interpretation to thrust upon the viewer. This cover serves as a reminder that we can laugh at the little things no matter where we are.