Welcome to Murder June 22, 2014NathanCovers7 Comments Welcome to Murder Looking for a good cover graphic? Your browser cache is NOT the first place to look. aspect ratio bad font choice pixelation Previous postThe Lost Souls Next postNorth Murder Beach
A murder of crows! I get it! ha ha… No.
Is the subtitle “Welcome home.”? WTH is THAT supposed to mean?
It could be creepy, if the title also didn’t have Welcome in it. If the book was called Murderville, Kentuky (or something) and the cover was really good. It could be awesome.
So many “ifs” – so little talent.
Rarely has there been such f*ing need for a pen name. And art that hasn’t been enlarged and stretched into a pixelated nightmare.
Mebbe “Starbuck O’Dwyer” would be a good om-nom.
Oh, wait…
Are those tree branches or veins?