Mary Sumeridge and The Golden Locket June 17, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Mary Sumeridge and The Golden Locket Oh, look! A herp-a-derp fairy! art for a refrigerator pixelation Previous postCoral Hare: Atomic Agent Next postIn God’s Time
Photobombing seagull!
I hope this is a children’s book…
The tree and the rest of the artwork don’t look as if they belong together. Different levels of realism maybe? Anyway, they don’t relate well.
Is that the twin brother of the albatross from the rescuers?
Lady your purse goes on your shoulder, not over your neck! Also, the inside of your house is missing.
Not a purse; it the titular, yet oversized, locket. But perhaps you knew that and were going for the funny. 🙂
I believe this is another from the highly anticipated
“Regular First Name – Odd Last Name & The Adjective Noun” Series.
Ever the rage since the Harry Potter & The Adjective Noun series.
Or “Tom Swift and His Wireless Message,” possibly.
@red What one the 80’s version of Tom Swift or the original from the nineteen teens.