Coral Hare: Atomic Agent June 17, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Coral Hare: Atomic Agent Oh, that’s what it says? I thought it was “At Mic Agen.” busybusybusy layers upon layers readability Previous postHey, all you haters! Next postMary Sumeridge and The Golden Locket
Coral Hare? ::snicker:: I’m picturing an orange rabbit now.
At Mic Agen? Bwahahahahaha!
And inspired by ACTUAL historical events, as opposed to not-actual historical events, which would be fictional events, right? (I’m so confused.)
Maybe to differentiate between alternate historical universes? The actual one we inhabit, as opposed to that other historical universe over there.
Really? Super Golly Wow.
‘Inspired by actual historical events’
*And/or described by Oliver Stone or Tom Clancy.
Hmm. This is one of those covers where the idea was good, but the execution not so much. My favorite parts are the smoking gun and the under water bit (but without the scuba diver). Everything else, not so much.
Whoever said less is more is obviously wrong.
And always will be.
I’m certain if you look close enough you can see a tiny kitchen sink.
The book is actually rather interesting.
Here’s the wiki link regarding the real-life Japanese atomic weapons program in ww2.