The Rembrandt Rendezvous


The Rembrandt Rendezvous

This is one of those instances in which an Amazon placeholder cover would be preferable.

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Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

Somebody needs to tell this guy the text goes INSIDE the novel and the picture goes on the cover.

10 years ago

I think the cover IS the novella. No inside. Just cover. Done!

Lucie Le Blanc
Lucie Le Blanc
10 years ago

Went a bit gradient crazy, did we? 😉

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

QUIZ: How many trite, insipid cliches can you put into a way-too-long front-cover blurb (that is the sole element in the cover) ?

10 years ago

Why is the middle blank? Is there supposed to be something in there?