I kinda like the title font and how it’s colored and arranged. The rest…sigh. First, Sara, make up your mind–is it erotic or wolfie? Right now it looks like two different books, and I seriously prefer the lower half (yes, the wolfie part). Squished people in lingerie are NOT sexy!
10 years ago
Man, the romance and erotica sections at Amazon and Smashwords are full of fish in a barrel. Seems like every amateur with a word processor and a cheap graphics editor is doing a werewolf story with a scantily clad couple and a wolf randomly pasted somewhere on the cover these days.
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
At the 378×602 pixel size, I thought it was snowing in the cityscape with wolfie part.
Oh wow, at the 1146×1823 pixel size, the star background is showing through the people above and the cityscape below and even through the white wolf. That’s Orion’s Belt next to his throat and through the right side of his snout (his right side) you can barely see Betelgeuse (just don’t say it out loud three times).
People, if you don’t click on the full resolution cover, you are missing the full lousy book cover experience. I am still recovering from the shock and awe.
In thumbnail, this almost looked OK.
But then it was easy to see the ratio problems.
Then I scrolled down . . .
I kinda like the title font and how it’s colored and arranged. The rest…sigh. First, Sara, make up your mind–is it erotic or wolfie? Right now it looks like two different books, and I seriously prefer the lower half (yes, the wolfie part). Squished people in lingerie are NOT sexy!
Man, the romance and erotica sections at Amazon and Smashwords are full of fish in a barrel. Seems like every amateur with a word processor and a cheap graphics editor is doing a werewolf story with a scantily clad couple and a wolf randomly pasted somewhere on the cover these days.
At the 378×602 pixel size, I thought it was snowing in the cityscape with wolfie part.
Oh wow, at the 1146×1823 pixel size, the star background is showing through the people above and the cityscape below and even through the white wolf. That’s Orion’s Belt next to his throat and through the right side of his snout (his right side) you can barely see Betelgeuse (just don’t say it out loud three times).
People, if you don’t click on the full resolution cover, you are missing the full lousy book cover experience. I am still recovering from the shock and awe.