Lucy Fallen June 10, 2014NathanCovers16 Comments Lucy Fallen It’s a fontocalypse! bad font choice filteriffic font overload four of five dentists agree layers upon layers Previous postThe Siege of Antrell Next postAll Relationships and Therapy are Multi-Cultural: Family and Cross-Cultural Complications
Apparently Yolanda is a “bestellin9 autHoP.”
Yeah. What is an autHOP exactly? The images aren’t too bad, really. I could see it working with some tweaks. But all those awful-to-read fonts. Yikes!
Any what’s up with the dimensions? Non-standard and weird. Not a square but not book proportions either.
As I look again, are we sure it isn’t “autttoP”?
Makes me wish for Papyrus. That’s how awful this is. (Fontaclypse! Bwahahaha!)
Ditto on the “Fontaclypse! Bwahahaha!!”
___-acalypse is being overused to death, but here it works.
Because I’m doing it ironically, see.
Perhaps all the mad fonts are an attempt to overcompensate for what has to be the dreariest angel I’ve ever seen.
I didn’t know angels had tats!
Perhaps she’s a Hell’s Angel? 😉
Sorry… couldn’t fight it…
Five fonts? And all of them unreadable.
So can we all start calling ourselves bestselling authors? I think it’s one of those statements that no longer needs to be based in fact and is just complete hyperbole – like ‘world’s greatest dad’ or ‘world’s wildest police chases’.
On the next book I publish, I will bill myself as the World’s Wildest Police Chase.
Ooh. Will there be YouTube?
I personally want to bill myself as the ‘World’s Greatest Sex Machine’ but I suspect a lawsuit.
I like the background images