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10 years ago

By Mike Woriey?

10 years ago

The top half and the bottom half don’t seem to have anything to do with each other. And while I can get behind the knife in place of the letters in the author’s name, the title font makes it hard to take this book seriously.

10 years ago

Why is the headless woman engulfed in flame? Those images don’t make sense together. And is that a rope around her neck? So which is it? Strangulation or combustion? Guess it doesn’t matter, she’s headless and therefore already dead!

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

I quite like the clever use of the knife. And the fire at the top, ok, sure. But everything else though… The ludicrous font, obviously, but what’s up with those hands? I have no idea what’s supposed to be happening there. It’s like he or she is worried about losing their necklace or something.

10 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

See Sirona’s post above. She’s looking for her head.

10 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

I think she’s being strangled with a rope or cord of some kind.

john e. . .
10 years ago

Shocking, I know, but I have to disagree with those of you who like the use of the knife in the author’s name. I don’t think this kind of graphic letter replacement ever belongs in an author’s name. The title – sure. Not an author’s name. Because if you let this pass – the next thing you know everyone will want to have names like C#a®le$ X�X!