To Tame a Tigress June 6, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments To Tame a Tigress There is no art so poor that bad paste-up can’t make it worse. art for a refrigerator aspect ratio Cargo Cult Template font boredom pixelation readability Previous postInto the Mill – A Judas to all Men Next postDesperate Dream of a Viking
At least there’s not a photobombing tigress.
Oh my, Mr Rake, that’s an awfully big hat.
Or are you happy to see me?
Actually the hat is so big there’s got to be something under it to keep the thing from falling over his eyes.
Since he’s a rake, I’d like to think it’s stuffed with autumn leaves.
Or an enormous alien brain.
I just love having to tilt my head sideways to read cover type that’s sideways.
Oooh, a rake with a wedding ring… This must be good!
Oh, but maybe the rake is really a boat.
Or one of those draggy, leaf-gathery thingies.
I’m lost.
I think the rake’s mistake was getting married. Tough career choice.