Man, I hate to say this, with the religious overtones, but, gotta say, all I’m feeling here is child abuse, of the worst type. (Not to say that one type of abuse is “better” than another. Worst was a bad phrase. But I mean, sexual abuse. That’s the vibe.)
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
This is one of those “you have to read the story to understand the cover!” The boy’s father is a serial killer who may have involved the boy in the crimes, and a pastor tries to save the boy. That’s two father figures: evil and good. And that’s somehow related to hands with stigmata.
I’ll repeat my remarks on the cover of “Love Thy Sister”: “Indie small press is rife with erotica; if an author is NOT writing erotica they should be very careful in titles, covers, blurbs, tag lines, etc. to avoid the ôtellsö associated with the genre so they don’t turn away their target audience.”
And I would add, if your cover leads on an untargeted audience who then feel cheated you may get 1 star reviews.
So, what’s with the stigmata?
Yeah, those are supposed to be on the hands of the Son.
Man, I hate to say this, with the religious overtones, but, gotta say, all I’m feeling here is child abuse, of the worst type. (Not to say that one type of abuse is “better” than another. Worst was a bad phrase. But I mean, sexual abuse. That’s the vibe.)
This is one of those “you have to read the story to understand the cover!” The boy’s father is a serial killer who may have involved the boy in the crimes, and a pastor tries to save the boy. That’s two father figures: evil and good. And that’s somehow related to hands with stigmata.
I’ll repeat my remarks on the cover of “Love Thy Sister”: “Indie small press is rife with erotica; if an author is NOT writing erotica they should be very careful in titles, covers, blurbs, tag lines, etc. to avoid the ôtellsö associated with the genre so they don’t turn away their target audience.”
And I would add, if your cover leads on an untargeted audience who then feel cheated you may get 1 star reviews.