Murder on M.O.S.S. Medical Mayhem May 30, 2014NathanCovers10 Comments Murder on M.O.S.S. Medical Mayhem The future has really dull fonts to work with. font boredom pseudohumans Previous postThe Thunderstone Next postThe Triad
The future has really dull fonts to work with.
But they’re in 3D! 3D! That makes them special, doesn’t it?
This reminds me of the cheesy cover from a cheap paperback anthology I picked up in the 70s. That cover was really awful. Ditto.
(P.S. What’s up with the Pilot Wench’s stick arms?)
After the great font wars of the 22nd century, these are all that survived, dooming the future to font boredom.
Oh good gravy.
My favorite bit is how the exhaust from the rocket motor at the top is coming out at an angle. It’s the little things that count 🙂
There needs to be some kind of tag for too many titles. Something pithy.
Title overload?
That green thing is a space station? I thought it was a bizarre tree sculpture!
I’m loving how the little people are in suits – like they’re on the daily intergalactic commute to the office…
..although – hang on, is the lady wearing a British policeman’s helmet??