“And what else? I know — I’ll throw in a gun! NOW it’s perfect!” (h/t James)

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5 years ago

They look like Jaws male-model wannabes but were cut from the movie.

5 years ago

Just two spy bros being bros, bro.

5 years ago

The other John Lock. No, the other-other John Lock.

5 years ago

OFGS. Do these people not have ANY part of their brain that says “how do these pictures relate to one another?”

I’ve got a medium-close up of these two guys, that I want to use … yeah it’s cropped at the chest on two sides and has got a bit of a cutout fringe on it; never mind, I can put it smack in the middle of the page, it’ll be fine.
Next I’ve got this cool shot of a helicopter with some guys descending from it, that can go in the background. Oh, one of them’s partially obscured by my other picture so it looks like he’s diving into the guy’s chest. Never mind, that’ll be fine too. Oh and there’s some part of the helicopter just peeking in from the left edge of the page so you can’t really tell what it is. No worries, no-one will notice.
What else? Oh, I’ve got to have the gun because I’ve got one photo of one gun that I’ve carefully cut out and all my Department X covers feature it, and if I don’t put it on nobody’ll know it’s a Department X book, they might mistake it for a cosy mail-order-bride time-travel dinosaur romance book. Where shall I put it? [paste] Yeah, there’ll do.
Now, the text where I tell readers it’s an omnibus of the first three books, shall I centre that at the bottom? No, that looks stupid, I’ll set it on three short lines and then – YEAH! – fully justify them so the first line has got unnecessarily wide word spaces – how cool will that look? Ooh, I’ve used three funky fonts already so better leave that in Calibri – don’t want to go overboard…