The River of Dancing Gods


The River of Dancing Gods

Compare the reissue cover above with the original below. You may now weep.


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10 years ago

When I first laid eyes on the top cover without my
glasses I thought the guy with the hat and beard was
Uncle Sam and the girl next to him a snow owl.
Then I looked closer.
The weird devil dragon thing still looks like a giant
blood clot.

The Rodent
10 years ago

Wow, this must be an example of failing to get rights/permissions for the original painting on the original book…? Really too bad for an author of that stature.

10 years ago

Wow, from respectable to cheap, accidental Escher crap.

M Joseph Murphy
10 years ago

What the serious hell!? That book is far too good for that crap cover.

David Lee Ingersoll
10 years ago

I’m stunned. And confused. How is this book getting reissued with such a terrible cover? Did they not ask any better artists to do a cover? For a couple hundred bucks they could have gotten so many better ones. For free they could have gotten so many better ones.