The Ocean’s Veil


The Ocean’s Veil

So if…

The Ocean’s Veil is filled with suspense, romance, a hint of the supernatural, and unforgettable steamy, true to life characters. Its unexpected twists provide for an adventure on every page!


…then why does the cover look like dullness covered with boredom sauce?

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9 years ago

Well, devil’s advocate…at least the cover shows us the eponymous “ocean”…

9 years ago

Yup, they got the ocean on the cover, but forgot the veil, the palm, the beach, and the adventure.

In addition, it looks like the ocean is draining to the right, because that end of the author’s name isn’t on the horizon like the rest.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

And where are the “unforgettable steamy, true to life characters”? 🙁

9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

The Horrible amorphous creatures made of pure piping hot living steam are on this cover, but they are invisible as they are piping hot living steam. Also they are true to life because… they have regular person problems, so like, bad jobs and girlfriend problems, that kind of thing.

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

That’s just the curvature of the earth, Eric. 😉

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Obliviously the calm ocean is veiling all the adventure.