Kyle’s Journey to the Forgotten Kingdom of Philidia

Kyle’s Journey to the Forgotten Kingdom of Philidia

Gosh, how could anyone forget that?

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6 years ago

Isn’t Philidia Fellatio’s younger sister? Who’d forget that?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Philidia is a rare place name. Phyllida or Phillida, is a not so common feminine first name, occassionally a genderless last name; it means “greenery” in Greek and is listed as a variant of Phyllis.

Philidia is not only confused with Fellatio but is often confused with Lidophilia, an actual paraphilic obsession with Mason and Ball canning jar bands and lids, that sometimes spills over into a fetish for the all-in-one lids associated with mayo and peanut butter jars that some people recycle for canning (the perverts: decent people recycle jars with all-in-ones for storing nails, screws, nuts, and bolts, and never foodstuffs; what has become of propriety in this age of depravity?!?)

I believe the American Psychiatric Association also has a name for parents who name their male offspring “Kyle” but I won’t repeat it in polite company.

6 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Uh…you guys knew I was kidding, right? I debated on whether to go with Fellatio’s cousin, or Chlymidia’s, and just rolled with it.


6 years ago

Looks like the cover of a shitty video game designed to teach kids about an iffy religion.