Penny Lane, Paranormal Investigator: The Ouija Board Mystery


Penny Lane, Paranormal Investigator: The Ouija Board Mystery

Your cover should look good as thumbnail; that doesn’t mean you should originally create it at thumbnail size.

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10 years ago

Ouija boards sound interesting. There is a lot of potential here with a sharper image and better font choice; then the cover might look as interesting as the title sounds. There is also plenty of room for the font to not need to interfere with the image…

john e. . .
10 years ago

Gods! I hate that damn song with a passion!

Just the mention of it almost always produces a dry-retching sensation in the back of my throat.

10 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

I tend to agree with you regarding that song. Those two words should NEVER be associated with something so creepily fascinating as a Ouiga board. (I was never allowed to play with one growing up).
That title FAILS, FAILS, FAILS!!